From trying to get our fractionally overweight luggage past the airline counter, queuing for hours on end to track down lost bags, sweating underneath a tonne of gear on transfer buses, or hauling kit over snow to reach accommodation - only to realize upon arrival you forgot your gloves… we’ve all been there. Getting to the mountains with gear has always been notoriously hard, but after over a decade in the game - we’re pretty sure we’ve cracked it. After this 12 minute read, chances are you will too.
Welcome to The Secrets of Snow Travel. A one-page wonder that covers everything from where to go, what to pack and what gear to take. Written by our in-house travel nerds with the help of our athletes Nikolai Shrimer, Sage Kotsenburg, Michelle Parker, and Marcus Kleveland.
Welcome to the first hurdle. You want to pick your destinations according to the time of year you’re looking to travel to guarantee the best snowfall. We’ve asked around at the office, and the results were unanimous; for this time of year you can’t beat Chamonix or Mayrhofen.
Step 2. Choose the right bags
Ski bags are traditionally bulky and long so, if you’re traveling far, we recommend using a Snowroller. Featuring our patented, award-winning Length Adjustment System™, you can tailor the bag's length to your skis or snowboard - keeping a supportive structure and guaranteed protection for your kit. All Snowrollers are completely compressible meaning they won’t take over your home or hotel room, and our award-winning Hook-Up System™ lets you connect and carry the rest of your bags, meaning you can always keep one hand free for coffee.
So what size should I choose?
This depends on your trip and your gear. If you want a one-stop-shop, multi-functional bag for long trips or multiple skis or boards, then our original snow roller is best for you. If you’re just a one-pair of skis person and tend to leave the extras like climbing gear at home when you travel, you’re going to need the Snowroller light.
Explore all snowrollers
Trier vos bagages enregistrés ne doit pas être un casse-tête.
Les sacs de voyage à roulettes Db comme les sacs Strøm Rollerbags sont d'excellentes options pour presque tous les voyages. Ils vous déchargent du poids sur vos épaules lorsque vous voyagez, et si vous utilisez le système Hook-Up™, ils peuvent également prendre le poids de votre sac de ski. Ils sont plus souples qu'une valise rigide traditionnelle, vous pouvez donc les bourrer, vous asseoir dessus et les fermer à l'aide d'un treuil pour finir par emporter plus de choses à la montagne.
Sacs polochons
Si vous envisagez de faire une expédition de voile à ski ou hors des sentiers battus, alors un sac polochon traditionnel comme le Db Roamer vous conviendra mieux. Ils sont entièrement compressibles et présentent un design à baril divisé, ce qui signifie qu'ils sont faciles à ranger, à transporter et à organiser - essentiel pour toute expédition dans la neige.
Si vous cherchez votre partenaire idéal pour une journée de ski ou de snowboard et que vous avez besoin qu'il soit capable de couvrir à la fois les journées en stations et en hors-piste, alors le Fjäll est parfait pour vous. Il possède un design à rabat pour un volume et une compression adaptables lors de vos journées en montagne, des attaches dédiées aux skis et aux snowboards, un compartiment d'avalanche à accès rapide, un porte-piolet à câble auto-serrant et un pochette pour lunettes détachable. Conçu avec Sam Favret, skieur et guide de montagne né à Chamonix, nous avons travaillé sans relâche pour produire notre première icône du hors-piste. Assez technique pour gérer une journée entière sur la montagne, mais suffisamment moderne et épuré pour voyager, c'est un sac conçu pour les skieurs et les guides.
We tend to pack our boots into the snow roller but there are two times you might want to reconsider.
(1.) If you’re really going to want your boots the first day on the ground for example if you have a competition, an insane powder day or trip out in the middle of nowhere.
Then bringing them as carry-on is the way to go. Renting or borrowing skis can be fine and quite easy to fix but getting your boots with your fit is generally a challenge in case the luggage gets lost.
(2.) Most airlines include a free boot bag with your ski bag so if you need to bring more stuff and don’t have space in your bag or ski bag then this is a great option.

Watch below how Nikolai Schirmer hacks his packs. Did you for example know how to make the hook-up system into a gokart?
Step 4. Master the art of traveling with these tips
Avoid the stress of rushing to catch a train or plane with too much luggage. With the smart hook-up system, you can securely attach multiple bags together for easy transport. Say goodbye to struggling with multiple bags and hello to the convenience of pulling just one.
Most airlines count boot bags and ski bags as one item. Make use of these offers incase you need to bring more stuff with you to your destination.
Packing cubes are one of those things that feature in every travel hack, but so few people actually take on the tip and purchase. They force you to be more organized and make packing more like a game of Jenga - it’s amazing what you can actually fit in your bag when everything has its designated slot.
In this weird post-Covid era, airports are struggling to handle the surge of travelers hitting the skies. Lost baggage numbers are going through the roof and more and more people are arriving at their destination without their bags. With an AirTag, colorful luggage and a luggage tag you’re covering all bases when it comes down to tracking down lost cases.
If you're planning to use your boots on the first day, for example, if you have a competition, an amazing powder day, or a trip in the middle of nowhere, then carrying them as carry-on is the best option. Renting or borrowing skis can be fine and relatively easy to fix, but getting your boots with your proper fit can be challenging in case the luggage gets lost. To ensure your ski and snowboard boots travel with you, secure the power straps together or tie the laces together and toss them over your carry-on

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