The Sun Will Come Up... Eventually
Reflections on a day without daylight On Wednesday morning I awoke to darkness. When I made my coffee it was still dark. At breakfast,...

Freshwater Jaws
I used to work with Waves For Water, a non-profit with the sole objective of getting clean drinking water to everyone that needs it. The ...

No Time To Write
Leaving the country for the first time in nearly a year. It feels good. In the last six months I’ve sent you postcards from California...

The Silent Send
It’s my pleasure to introduce this unsuspecting alpha male. Nikolai Schirmer is a Norwegian skier, lawyer, filmmaker and humble wacko. I...

Design for the Dispassionate
What do the Dreamliner, Golden Ratio and the Moleskin have in common? I am not a gear geek. I don’t obsess over design or follow brand...

What's in a name?
With a name like Douchebags our products have to be good. When you work for Douchebags you have to tell people you work for Douchebags.Se...

Magical Retailism
Do you believe in magic? (Yeah, but only in moderation.) Don’t get me wrong, the internet is magic.Ask a question, any question, and have...

At The (Rule) Break Of Dawn
A case for the pattern interrupt. We all have routines.Patterns that develop and accidentally become habits and then turn into rules that...

Don’t Be Scared
Is it better to be fearful or fearless? I listened to a podcast this week (On the top of fear), which highlighted a woman that was phys...

Who’s ready for a sleepover? In the guest room of my apartment, above my desk — where I stare when I can’t think of anything to write — t...

Thanksgiving Without Borders
Spread the attitude of gratitude. Ignore the vanity of Hollywood. Forget fast food. Yes, Db is having a sale right now, but Black Friday ...

Opening Days
Working through those first-day jitters. In the outdoor world we have opening days.They’re not on the calendar, or scheduled by some leag...