Behind the scenes

Beautiful Strangers
Last week I went to the grocery store like I was gonna rob the joint. I had a mask over my face, gloves on my hands and a steely focus on...

In Common
In Common In the first note I wrote for Db I recommended Sebastian Junger’s Tribe, and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Especially th...

Lukewarm Coke
Beautiful strangers? I’ve known more than I deserve.I once met a guy in a cab from Mali to Guinea and, when we arrived at our destination...

Perspective Powerslide
I’m reading Sapiens right now. It’s a good book, but dense. I probably won’t finish it. Anyway, the author does a great job at framing hu...

Baking Bread
When the world is open and bank accounts are swollen and passports have fresh pages, boredom is cured beyond our walls. We find stimulati...

The World Ajar
There was a time in my life when I traveled so much that, when I bumped into friends at random places around the globe, it barely got my ...

Awe Yeah
Last week a friend of mine told me about “The Science of Awe”, and how it helped him understand his obsession with surfing big waves. So ...

Love To Burst Your Bubble
Love To Burst Your Bubble We all live in bubbles — invisible cocoons where everything is safe, happy and comfortable.In my last postcar...

The Bleached Blindfold
In the totality of all possible knowledge there are three categories:What you know.What you know you don’t know.What you don’t know you d...

Scratching The Itch
For the past decade if Db’s content director, Marcus Olsson, wasn’t on the road, he was planning his next trip. Then Covid hit and his wi...

When a fleeting meme deserves a deeper look.
Poems don’t typically go viral, but I’m sure you’ve seen this gem from Leslie Dwight pass your screen recently: What if 2020 isn’t cancel...

Run For It
“It’s been so nice to slow down,” everyone said while looking for a pandemic silver lining. The sentiment’s become more ubiquitous than b...