Oh, For Fun’s Sake

In the film 180 Degrees South Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard said of climbing mountains.“Conquerors of the useless, that's what we were. You learned that what's important is how you got there, not what you've accomplished.”
I was reminded of the quote this week, as the Db’s creative team in Stockholm scrambled to erect a bakery for Benjamin Ortega, the filmmaker who has a collab dropping with us next week.
Why the bakery? Here’s the backstory:
To nudge Db into doing a signature range with him, Benni asked his followers to spam our social channels with baguette emojis 🥖 🥖 🥖 Not only did this tactic work — we created the line — but it got us shadow banned from Instagram because they thought we had bots juicing our comments.
In response, the marketing team thought it’d be fun to challenge Benni to make and sell 2,652 baguettes — the exact number of emojis that his fans sent us. Then, and only then, would we release his signature range.
Does this seem elaborate? Silly? Useless? Yes, yes, yes. But damn if it isn’t fun.
We probably should have bought some Facebook ads and called it a day. We probably didn’t need to make, sell and deliver an igloo made out of backpacks a couple months back. And I should probably try and sell you things when I write you these postcards. But I don’t know. That’s just not as fun. Certainly not as fun as opening a bakery.