Destinationbetween with Ola Krol

First off, what do you do?
I work as a marketing specialist by day and moonlight as a photographer and blog writer for outdoor brands by night. My free time is taken up by biking, hiking and skiing (in that order).
You live a life pretty much always moving. What does home mean for you?
What home means is always different to me. Sometimes it’s my car when I’m spending a lot of time on the road, sometimes it’s wherever my sleeping bag can be spread out- I’m one of those people that can get super comfortable anywhere.When your on the road there’s always so many temptations. Do you have any tips on how to focus when you need to get the boring stuff done?
For me, work is always a focus, even when doing the fun stuff. When travelling in a new city that I know I’ll need to be writing about later I like to just document as much as possible and write as many anecdotes in the moment so when it comes time to sit down it’s all fresh and pours off the keyboard easily.
What do you always bring on your travels?
My camera, a swimsuit and a tiny bottle of hot sauce.
What would you tell yourself as a teenager?
Your originality is the one thing you should really get into.
Which is your favourite destination?
I love the food and unique hospitality in Japan, but landscape wise I’m a die-hard West Coast fan.

What would you tell people who would like to follow your path?
More than anything, surround yourself with the people who challenge you and inspire you. I’m so grateful to have met so many humans who have projected me onto this life path and who continue to make me think outside the box. You’re nothing without community.
Have you studied?
Yes I did communications and marketing in university!
What was your first job?
Oh man, when I was fourteen I worked at a polish deli in my hometown doing all the weird and wonderful stuff that comes with the territory. Smoking meat, slanging sandwiches, and slicing hams.
What profession would you pick if you could choose to be anything?
I’d like to think that the multiverse is a real thing and that somewhere out there there’s a version of me that is working as a paramedic, as a fishing guide, as a clothing designer, and as a restaurant rater. I don’t think I’d trade my current life for anything though.Is there something non-essential you always pack for a trip?
Always always my Kindle
If yes, why do you like bringing it with you?
When travelling alone, and going our for solo dinners it’s so nice to have a book to read with you. The fact that it’s an ebook means I can bring as many stories as I want. When I hiked to Everest base camp a few years ago, I had brought 6 hardcovers with me and in no way regretted it but now it’s just a lot easier to read on the go.
What is your favourite kind of trip to pack for?
I love a surf trip. It’s the ease of knowing you need minimal gear if you’re travelling to a hot destination, and that as long as you have sunscreen, a camera, and a bathing suit, you’ll be able to figure the rest out on location.What will you always splurge on while travelling?
Trying weird new foods, or spending the big bucks on a known restaurant. I’m a huge fan of Anthony Bourdain, and Guy Fieri so I want to eat where they’re eating.
To see more of Ola's Destinationbetween life, give her a follow.