Behind the scenes

Who’s ready for a sleepover? In the guest room of my apartment, above my desk — where I stare when I can’t think of anything to write — t...

Thanksgiving Without Borders
Spread the attitude of gratitude. Ignore the vanity of Hollywood. Forget fast food. Yes, Db is having a sale right now, but Black Friday ...

Opening Days
Working through those first-day jitters. In the outdoor world we have opening days.They’re not on the calendar, or scheduled by some leag...

Sorry, but I must leaf
Let the flies eat the picnic, we have leaves to catch. Had you walked into Golden Gate Park at 1:30pm last Saturday, you would have seen ...

Blank Slate Date
Thoughts on the upcoming calendar change. I recently saw a friend post something like, “The universe doesn’t care that it’s going to be a...

I can’t stress enough how important this is. I don’t want to be dramatic but this is the most important postcard I’ve ever sent. You see,...

We got a new car this week. Bernie’s in the backseat. The last few weeks in the U.S. felt like riding in a racecar that, while well built...

Life’s all about the small, gnocchi-sized things. Cooking dinner the other night, my girlfriend and I had This American Life playing in t...

Your mandatory Sunday night viewing. One of my favorite things is consuming media without context or expectations. To get a recommendatio...

Dingedboards (no more)
Db’s about to drop a couple products that really pad my fiberglass. I’ve traveled with surfboards for more than 20 years. One of my wor...

Thank you for coming to the party, drinking the Kool-Aid, etc. Did you know I have another job? I do. It’s with Stab Magazine, a surf med...

I’m part of a few group text message threads. There’s one with my high school friends, one with my college friends, another with the old ...