Over the past 20 years I have been doing whatever it takes to make it happen so I can go out into the world and go snowboarding. Snowboarding and mountain sports have been my passion ever since I was introduced via indoor snow domes in the UK and so since that day it's been whatever it takes to get on snow.
That being said, it's always been an interesting passion as it wasn't until this trip that I got the opportunity to go snowboarding with a group of individuals that look just like me, Black guys and girls from all over the world with a shared love for riding their snowboards. It included some of snowboardings hottest new prospects, X games winners, content creators and some of if not all of the most respected riders in the industry.
This was all possible because of the work Luis Medearis has done over the last couple of years connecting the dots between people around the world like me who haven't ever been brought together like this before. The movement known as ´Technically Doing It´ has been on tour in the US filming for a highly anticipated movie project and now for the first time in Europe. Luis and his team of riders, filmers and supporters have been showing up at ski resorts and bringing a whole new vibe to the slopes they visit and the trip to Mayrhofen and the Penken Park was no exception. Of course being the spring time the first scheduled day was a bust as 100 mph winds stopped play, the crew went back int IBK for a chill skate session with some of the youngsters involved in the Chill foundation charity, an organization dedicated to helping impoverished youngsters from the inner cities go out onto the mountains to try new experiences.

In the evening we went to the Burton European headquarters where Luis and Mariano from Burton put together an amazing evening which started with a film documenting the Tdi journey so far and those who have inspired us including Ben Hinkley, Russel Winfield, Stevie Bell and his iconic Forum video parts and more. We heard from members of the crew and Lu amongst others spoke about the mission going forwards and how far we have come, we spoke about how dreams have become reality and how bringing people together will encourage others to get involved in the lifestyle we all love. I also got to personally stand up and thank Lu for his efforts as until today, I hadn't experienced an evening like this.
The night ended in true Tdi fashion with a barbecue and dancing well into the night in the courtyard of the Burton store.

Day 2 did not disappoint, we stepped off the bus in Mayrhofen moments after listening to a news feature on local radio about the Tdi crew being in town so of course spirits were as high as they ever could be. It was set to be a special day. Penken park was brilliantly shaped and all the riders got to work stacking footage. The list of riders included Irie Jefferson, Alissa Alive, Kody Williams and Zeb Powell just to name a few. The park quickly filled with local shredders and tourists mixing with the gang taking pictures and signing autographs. It was a true testament to the impact this movement has had on the snowboarding industry here in Europe and the barriers that have been broken down. One of the memorable part was a ride through the park with Zeb leading the charge, speaker over his shoulder and about a hundred people mobbing through the park. That was a special moment.

I am truly blessed to have been a part of this trip, there have been some great relationships formed and I’m sure some friends for life. I am really excited about the next generation of snowboarding as it's so vibrant. It's not always about color, it's about representation and inclusion so others can have their lives touched by something as beautiful as snowboarding and the journeys we all make out into the world to follow this thing we hold so dear.
Thanks to Tdi, Lu, Kingsnorth, and everyone else who we rode with, skated with, danced with, listened to and met, I can't wait for the next one.
// Neil Campbell

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